The Impoverished Gentlewoman

A '60s woman lost in the woods.

Monday, May 04, 2020


I really hate these anniversaries. Fifty years? And get when I stop to contemplate what life was like for me's like it happened yesterday.
i was attending FAU in Boca and would be turning 25 in a few weeks. My boyfriend and I were watching the Vietnam protests on a tv in his dorm 's lobby.  We saw the shootings at Kent State but it didn't register at first. "Thats rubber bullets,right?" Someone asked.  It was similar to the Kennedy shooting. No one said much.
 that night we had what we called a "lie in". Everyone brought a sleeping bag to congregate outside all night. It was impressive.there were hundreds of us.
that only lasted a few hours however.the university leashed a slew of campus  copsi to  disperse us. Unfortunately, one  such fool decided to pull a gun in the area where we were. I froze,too scared to move. My boyfriend literally had to half carry me off the field.
They shouldn't have done that.
No thanks for the memory.


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