All of the hullabaloo (spel?) about the 50th anniversary of "The Sound of Music" (50? Gag) can't help but bring back memories of when I saw that film. I was living at Marymount College,a Catholic womens college in Boca Raton. Yes. I did. I attended with my rooommate Carol and two nuns(one the Mother Superior). I'm not sure how this happened. But Carol was their pet and I was her roommate and-oh, okay. Plus, it was their treat. Needless to say, the whole theater audience was very well behaved and these nuns were in traditional garb, wimple and all.
After the movie, a second feature started. A terrible spy movie with lots of steamy sex scenes. I looked aside at them and they sat ramrod straight, hands folded in their laps. When we were leaving, I asked them,"why didn't you insist we leave?" and one answered ,"We thought you wanted to stay, dear". Nuns.
The Impoverished Gentlewoman
A '60s woman lost in the woods.